How The Coronavirus Outbreak Will Change Careers And Lives For The Foreseeable Future


How The Coronavirus Outbreak Will Change Careers And Lives For The Foreseeable Future

The pandemic’s affect on Socialist Policies. How Apple & Google will be impacted. The Widening Wealth Gap. How to Handle Losses— monetary or health related.

It wouldn’t be surprising if many high school graduates decide to enter the trades. They’ll look at their parents who’ve lost their jobs and older siblings who are crushed with hundreds of thousands in debt, while toiling in dead-end jobs far beneath what college promised, and think there has to be a better way. Becoming a union electrician, carpenter, plumber or craftsperson offers steady work, decent pay and good benefits. If a person has an entrepreneurial streak, they could then open their own business. Since so many people have gone to college and avoided the trades, there is a dire need for these “blue-collar” workers.

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